Divorce and Adopted Children

Lund Bennett Family Law - Cheshire and Manchester

Divorce is a challenging experience for any family, but when adopted children are involved, it can bring unique complexities and emotions to the forefront. In many cases, the adopted children may have already experienced significant loss or trauma before their adoption, making the prospect of another major life change particularly dauting for them. Despite these emotional complexities, the law concerning adopted children following divorce is clear. Once the process of adoption has been finalised, it is considered permanent and family law makes no distinction between biological and adopted children.

Key Considerations for Helping an Adopted Child Cope with Divorce:

Open communication:

It is crucial to maintain open and honest communication with your children throughout the divorce process. Prioritise age-appropriate conversations that reassure your children of their worth, love and belonging. Be open to their emotions, addressing their questions and fears with patience and empathy, fostering an environment where they feel safe expressing themselves.

Reassurance of Stability:

Amidst the upheaval of divorce, adopted children crave stability and security more than ever. Preserve routines, rituals, and familiar environments whenever possible, providing a sense of continuity amidst change. Assure children that while the family structure may shift, your love and commitment to their well-being remain unwavering. Continue to embrace your shared love and passion of being parents. Both of you partook on a lengthy journey to be parents, don’t let these positive aspects you both shared as partners get lost in your separation. It is so important to keep this goal at the centre of the divorce process and to avoid exposing children to conflict.


Professional Support:

Don’t hesitate to reach out for support and resources to help navigate divorce involving children. Therapy, support groups, and online communities can offer invaluable guidance, empathy, and reassurance during this challenging time. Don’t forget to prioritise your own well-being also, recognising that caring for yourself enables you to better support your children throughout the journey. It is always wise to seek legal advice in relation to any financial claims for children. Being well informed can help to alleviate worries. Consult with a child law specialist.


Maintain Routines:

Consistency and routine can provide a sense of stability for children during times of upheaval. Try to maintain familiar routines and rituals as much as possible, even if certain aspects of their daily life are changing. Whatever your new feelings and views towards your partner it is important to promote a positive relationship between parents and children.


Co-parenting with Compassion:

Effective co-parenting and child arrangements are essential for the well-being of children during and after divorce. Strive to cultivate a collaborative relationship with your ex-spouse, prioritising your children’s needs above personal grievances. Maintain consistency in parenting approaches, rules, and expectations across households, ensuring a sense of coherence and stability for your children.



Keep in mind that every family is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to navigating a divorce with children. While divorce with adopted children is a journey fraught with challenges, emotions and uncertainties, it is also an opportunity to demonstrate resilience, compassion, and unwavering love for your children. By prioritising open communication, stability, and support, you can help your adopted children navigate this transition with strength, grace, and a deep sense of belonging. Always reach out and seek support when you need it and embrace the power of community as you navigate this chapter of your family’s story.