Family Mediation

Lund Bennett Family Law - Cheshire and Manchester

What is Family Mediation?

The Government has advised that family mediation is a process where a trained independent mediator helps you work out arrangements with another participant (e.g. an ex-partner) concerning children, finance or property.

The mediator is there to help you work through disagreements and find solutions that work for you both and explain how to make the agreement you reach legally binding, should you wish to do so.

How can I access mediation with COVID restrictions in place?

Mediation services have been operating safely throughout lockdown, mostly online. Your mediator will be able to explain how the process works, and ensure you can access their service without any disruption.

Why might mediation be of benefit to me?

Family mediation lets you stay in control. Unlike in court, where a judge makes the decisions about child and financial arrangements, in mediation you and the other person/people decide what you agree to and what you don’t. When it comes to your children, mediation can help you put your child’s interest first.

Mediation can be less stressful and far quicker than going to court so can be an efficient way of resolving disagreements. If you cannot reach an agreement, you still have the right to go to court. You can also use family mediation after you made an application to the court.

It can be difficult for separated parents or other family members in dispute to talk to each other and work together to find solutions. Family mediation provides a safe and supported structure to sort out the best arrangements for children, as well as other considerations such as how to divide assets and money, and where you and your children will live.

Do I have to be in the same room as the person I am in mediation with?

In mediation, you can still work to find an agreement without being in the same room or space with the other person – you don’t have to spend time with the person you are in mediation with if you choose not to. Your mediator can help you find a way to resolve your disagreements without being in direct contact.