Kavanagh versus Kavanagh

Two solicitors, Anna-Marie Harvey Kavanagh and Giles Kavanagh, have spent most of their £3million fortune in divorcing each other. The result being that they now only have £90,000 between them!

Judge Clive Million commented that the couple had insisted on “wrecking the ship of their marriage, then turning their attention to the lifeboats”. He added “The ship of marriage may founder, but this couple have driven theirs full tilt onto the rocks”

Judge Million said “By 2008 they had spent over £879,000 on legal costs and contested proceedings. Children Act proceedings had cost about £545,000. The financial proceedings cost over £303,000 and Family Law Act applications cost another £32,000”

If you are facing divorce, we can help. Please call Lund Bennett on 0845 548 1007.