In a recent study published by the Office of the Children’s Commissioner and the charity The Children’s Society it has been claimed that there are “a number of barriers” for children who wish to seek help for their parents where alcohol misuse is concerned.
The report points therefore at the importance of social services being able to identify problem drinking in parents.
At least one parent interviewed for the study said she was reluctant to take advantage of alcohol treatment services because “they’re for alcoholics”. The interviewee admitted to having ‘a problem’ but believed that ‘an alcoholic’ was a person that had a drink every day. Effectively the person disqualified herself from this label as she doesn’t drink everyday.
Speaking in her role as the Children’s Commissioner for England, Maggie Atkinson said that alcohol misuse is “frighteningly common” with an “immense” social and economic cost.
Maggie went on to say that parents “must be made aware of the effects their problem drinking can have on children and young people”.