Divorce mediation is a process where couples can attempt to sort out their differences outside the courtroom with the help of an independent professional.
While mediation isn’t suitable for cases where domestic violence or abuse is the reason for couples divorcing, it can provide a way to resolve disputes and possibly save money. When couples are fist informed of the opportunity for mediation in their cases, the first reaction is that it will be some sort of marriage guidance service. This is not the case in divorce mediation because the assumption is that the relationship has irretrievably broken down.
Divorce mediation is focused on the practicalities of divorce including what happens with the children, the house and finances following divorce.
To get the best out of mediation couples should be open to keeping lines of communication open and be willing to compromise on the more difficult aspects of separation. Mediation is particularly useful if you want to reduce the impact on children.
Lengthy court battles over finances, custody and assets can have a profound impact on the wellbeing of all concerned and good communication should help speed up the process of separation and divorce which will be better for all concerned.