What to do if you find out your spouse is having an affair

Here at Lund Bennett Law, our advice would be to approach the situation with caution and to consider all aspects, both personal and legal, before taking any steps. Here are some recommendations on how to proceed if you find out your spouse is having an affair:

  1. Reflect on Your Feelings and Goals: Before taking any action, it’s important to clarify your own feelings and what you ultimately want. Do you wish to salvage the marriage, or do you feel it’s beyond repair? Understanding your own emotions and objectives can help guide your actions moving forward.
  2. Seek Professional Support: It can be beneficial to speak with a therapist or counsellor. Emotional support and guidance from a professional can help you manage your feelings, make informed decisions, and navigate the complex emotional terrain of an affair.
  3. Consult with a Solicitor: Legal advice is crucial, especially if you are considering separation or divorce. A solicitor can inform you of your rights and what to expect in terms of the legal processes, such as separation agreements, custody of children, financial settlements, and division of assets.
  4. Gather Documentation: If you decide that legal action might be necessary, start gathering all relevant financial documents, communication records, and other important information. This documentation can be crucial in legal proceedings, particularly in matters related to finances and custody.
  5. Consider the Implications for Children: If you have children, their welfare should be a primary consideration. Any decisions should take into account their best interests, stability, and emotional well-being.
  6. Avoid Rash Decisions: While it might be tempting to confront your spouse or make significant changes immediately, such actions can sometimes complicate the situation further. It’s important to have a strategic approach, ideally guided by professional advice.
  7. Plan for the Future: Think about your long-term needs, including living arrangements, financial security, and personal well-being. Whether you choose to work on the marriage or proceed towards separation, having a clear plan for the future will provide direction and help alleviate uncertainty.
  8. Communicate Effectively: If you decide to confront your spouse about the affair, try to do so in a manner that is as calm and reasoned as possible. This might involve setting a specific time to talk, possibly in the presence of a counselor.

Handling the discovery of a spouse’s affair is undoubtedly challenging and can evoke strong emotions. Professional guidance, both legal and psychological, is crucial in navigating this difficult period.